Financial Tips

Elections & Tax Law Changes


I often hear people say “Tax laws are constantly changing! How can I protect my business? How can I even keep up with how it will impact my bottom line?”

One of the constants in life is change…and you can be sure there will be constant tax law changes as well! How can you keep up with them all? What kind of impact does an election year have on tax laws?

A Reno CPA or certified public accountant is a huge help to individuals and businesses when dealing with tax law changes. After all, it’s our business to know the information that can help you pay the least amount of taxes and use all the tax advantages in the IRS tax code.

We understand how difficult it can be with all the constant IRS tax code and tax law changes, but at Evans Nelson CPAs, we keep up with tax law changes. Certified Public Accountants are required by law to complete a certain number of Continuing Education classes and seminars. At Evans Nelson, every one of our CPAs goes well beyond those minimum requirements, along with other research to stay informed. It’s our business to advise you and you deserve far more than just minimum requirements.

Whether it’s proposed changes investments in capital equipment–can it be all deducted in the first year–to health insurance deductions, to changes in business taxes, or personal write offs, tax law changes can affect when and how you may want to take certain actions. We help guide you with sound advice based on information from the IRS and our experience and understanding of how these tax law changes will affect your individual circumstances.

Simply consulting for an hour or two with your Reno CPA can save you 10, 20 or even more hours of research and frustration trying to determine what is best for your business, and also help you find the best ways to protect it.

So save yourself the struggle and time consuming research by hiring a professional. Evans Nelson stays informed, so you can focus on your passions.

Elections & Tax Law Changes2016-09-22T16:02:27-07:00

The Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act


Are you “upside down” with your mortgage? Do you know how the tax implications of walking away from your home or having short sale can affect you? How can a Reno CPA help you with these types of mortgage issues? What are the tax implications of a short sale, foreclosure and other options? The Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act ends this year. Do you understand what the benefits can be for you?

Millions of homeowners around the country are “upside down” with their mortgages. Being “upside down” means you owe more on the mortgage than the house is worth. Real estate values have fallen dramatically, especially in Nevada.

So, many people are asking “What are the tax implications of getting rid of my house? Should I short sell it? Foreclose it? Should I stay or just walk away?”

Here’s an example. A house is worth $200,000 but the mortgage is for $400,000. The Bank will usually send a 1099 or 1099C (cancelation of debt) form for that difference of $200,000.

The IRS will normally require you to pay on the tax owed for that $200,000. But you didn’t “receive” that money, the house is still the same house, and you got rid of it. It isn’t worth $400,000 anymore, you can’t sell it for $400,000 but the mortgage is still for that amount.

The Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act, which runs through the end of 2012 (December 31, 2012) says you don’t have to pay tax on that $200,000.

Many people are worried about that huge tax liability. They are not sure if it would be better to try to short sell or foreclose on their house before the end of 2012 to be able to use the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act before it expires and avoid that tax.

Nevada has had its fair share of foreclosures and other mortgage issues. It is very important to sit down with a Reno CPA to discuss the options and tax implications of walking away from the house, vs. short selling, foreclosing or simply keeping it.

A Reno CPA can help you determine the best course of action, based on the many factors of your personal situation, and can help save you thousands of dollars (along with saving you time and frustration) by helping you determine the best choice for you.

Contact Evans Nelson & Company, CPAs for more information today.

The Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act2016-09-22T15:44:22-07:00
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